23 Oktober 2016

Melaksanakan, Tidak Sekadar Mengetahui dan Mengerti

Melaksanakan, Tidak Sekadar Mengetahui dan Mengerti Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

“In life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action. – Dalam kehidupan ini, mayoritas manusia mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan, tetapi hanya sebagian kecil yang melaksanakan apa yang mesti mereka lakukan. Mengerti saja tak cukup! Anda harus melakukan tindakan nyata.” ~ Anthony Robbins

Fenomena dalam kehidupan sehari-hari memang sangat sering kita jumpai orang-orang yang cukup mengerti dan memahami tentang nilai-nilai moralitas, spiritual, teori tentang membangun kesuksesan, keluarga yang bahagia dan lain sebagainya. Mereka pun terdiri dari orang-orang yang cukup berpendidikan atau menguasai teorinya secara mendalam. Sebagian di antara mereka bahkan sengaja menghabiskan cukup banyak waktu dan uang untuk memahami konteks tersebut lewat seminar, diskusi, dan lain sebagainya.

Teori tentang nilai-nilai moralitas, spiritual, membangun kesuksesan, keluarga yang bahagia, kesehatan yang prima dan lain sebagainya itu pun sudah dikenal secara luas oleh masyarakat sejak berabad-abad yang lalu. Olah raga, hidup bersih dan sehat, jujur, berpikir p
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16 Oktober 2016

Pohon Mangga Mbah Karto

Pohon Mangga Mbah Karto Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Mbah Karto siapa yang tak kenal kakek ini di desa Mayasari. Demikian orang-orang di desa menyebutnya. Di usianya yang ke 85 tahun Beliau masih sehat dan semangat untuk beraktivitas membantu masyarakat di desanya. Tak sungkan Beliau ikut kerja bakti memperbaiki jalan yang memang sudah rusak di Mayasari. Beliau juga yang menggagas ide kincir air yang dapat di gunakan untuk menerangi listrik desa Mayasari. Orang-orang sangat menghormati beliau. Tapi kini beliau hanya tinggal dengan cucunya yang bernama Robi yang kini telah berusia 17 tahun. Sejak 5 tahun lalu ketiga anaknya pergi ke kota dan tidak kembali lagi.

Pekerjaan Mbah Karto sangat mulia. Seumur hidupnya Beliau bekerja di DPU Kebersihan Umum di Kecamatan Pracimantoro. Tapi semenjak 2 bulan yang lalu Beliau berhenti karena sering sakit-sakitan. Walaupun sakit-sakita Mbah Karto tidak mau merepotkan orang lain Beliau masih sanggup untuk mengurusi dirinya sendiri.

Pagi ini Mbah Karto Sudah beraktivitas dikebun samping rumahnya. Beliau sibuk menanam cangkokan mangga yang sudah Beliau persiapkan 1 minggu yang lalu.
“Ada apa Mbah kok pagi-pagi sudah dikebun”, tanya Hadi tetangganya yang kebetulan lewat.
“saya mau menanam mangga”, jawab Mbah Karto.
“Lho kok menanam mangga, untuk apa?”, tanya Hadi lagi.
“Ya kalau sudah besar dan berbuah masak kan dapat diambil dan d
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06 Oktober 2016

Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#14 - Kisah Si Bangau Putih

Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#14 - Kisah Si Bangau Putih
 Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1Kisah Si Bangau Putih

Seri : Bu Kek Siansu #14

Karya : Asmaraman S Kho Ping Hoo

Bagi mereka yang bukan pedagang keliling dan yang tidak pernah melakukan perjalanan melintasi Tembok Besar, tentu mengira bahwa kekuasaan Kerajaan Ceng yang dipegang oleh bang­sa Mancu tentu berhenti sampai di Tem­bok Besar itu. Padahal, sesungguhnya tidaklah demikian. Bangsa Mancu sendiri merupakan bangsa yang tinggal jauh di utara yang amat dingin, daerah yang keras dan kejam, dan di luar Tembok Besar masih terdapat daerah yang amat luas. Masih ada Propinsi Liaoning dan Jilin yang berbatasan dengan Korea, daerah Mancuria sendiri yang luas, ke­mudian terdapat daerah Mongolia Dalam atau Mongol, dan daerah Mongolia yang lebih luas. Akan tetapi, setelah melewati Tembok Besar memang daerah yang liar dan kejam, dengan tak terhitung banyak­nya bukit di antara padang pasir yang luas dan merupakan lautan pasir yang ganas.

Padang pasir seperti ini memang ga­nas dan kadang-kadang kejam sekali. Dari tulang-tulang kuda, onta, bahkan manusia yang terdapat berserakan di s
... baca selengkapnya di Kho Ping Hoo - BKS#14 - Kisah Si Bangau Putih Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor Satu

Jilbab dari Sahabatku

Jilbab dari Sahabatku Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Namaku Syifa Zahfania, kebanyakan teman-temanku memanggil dengan Syifa. Di kelas aku di kenal cewek paling tomboy. Karena cara bertingkahku yang seperti cowok, dan bergaulku yang tak lepas dari cowok. Aku termasuk cewek per*kok mulai dari kelas 3 SMP. Jauh dari orangtua membuatku semakin menjadi anak yang tak berperilaku. Aku hanya hidup dengan kemewahan dari orangtua dan kedua pembantuku. Setiap hari yang aku pergi pagi pulang petang dan berkumpul dengan para gerombolan preman di jalan. Aku sangat menyukai kebebasan dan tak suka di kekang. Masa bodoh semua orang mau berkata apa tentang kehidupanku. Kehidupan mereka belum tentu benar.

Sekarang aku sudah menginjak dewasa dan mulai masuk perguruan tinggi. Di kampus tak ada yang layak untuk aku jadikan teman, semua sok sibuk dengan tugas-tugas kampus. Aku memilih untuk menyendiri di bangku pojok. Kunikmati sebatang r*kok untuk menghilangkan penat di fikiran. Melihat banyak mahasiswa yang berjalan di koridor membuatku semakin suntuk. Ku langkahkan kaki untuk beranjak keluar dari kampus. Setiap sudut ku lihat banyak sekali mahasiswa yang berkeliaran tak karuan.

beberapa buku jatuh dari gengaman cewek berjilbab panjang yang menutupi dadanya. Cewek berkerudung pink mudah dengan mengenakan baju panjang tak taulah apa itu namanya. Beberapa detik ku lihat parasnya sangat indah dengan balutan jilbab yang dikenakan.


Itulah kata yan
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Sakit Gigi dan Sakit Hati

Sakit Gigi dan Sakit Hati Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Oleh: Ongky Hojanto

Setiap kita pasti pernah mengalami kedua hal di atas, yang tentunya respon dari setiap kita akan berbeda terhadap dua hal tersebut. Sakit gigi adalah sakit secara fisik yang dapat menyebabkan pikiran kita terganggu. Saya yakin Anda tidakakan bisa bekerja secara optimal disaat sakit gigi sedang dating menghampiri Anda. Jangankan bekerja secara optimal, mendengarkan suara yang keras, bunyi bisingpun mungkin akan membuat Anda yang lagi sakit gigi akan naik pitam. Untuk sakit yang jenis ini ada dokter spesialis yang akan membantu Anda menanganinya, sedangkan untuk sakit yang kedua adalah sakit hati. Sakit yang secara fisik tidak kita alami akan tetapi terjadi didalam pikiran kita sendiri. Walaupun tidak berhubungan secara langsung dengan cedera fisik, kerusakan fisik, atau masuknya virus dan bakteri kedalam tubuh, sakit ini bisa menyebabkan produktifitas kita menurun, emosi kita meningkatkan dan bahkan terkadang sensitive terhadap perkataan dan ucapan seseorang yang belum tentu bermaksud jelek. Sakit gigi adalah sakit yang berasal dari pikiran kita bisa juga menyebabakan fisik kita ikut-ikutan sakit.

Dalam ilmu NLP ( Neuro Lingustic programmi
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24 September 2016

Meja Kayu

Meja Kayu Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Suatu ketika, ada seorang kakek yang harus tinggal dengan anaknya. Selain itu, tinggal pula menantu, dan anak mereka yang berusia 6 tahun. Tangan orangtua ini begitu rapuh, dan sering bergerak tak menentu. Penglihatannya buram, dan cara berjalannya pun ringkih.

Keluarga itu biasa makan bersama diruang makan. Namun, sang orangtua yang pikun ini sering mengacaukan segalanya. Tangannya yang bergetar dan mata yang rabun, membuatnya susah untuk menyantap makanan. Sendok dan garpu kerap jatuh ke bawah. Saat si kakek meraih gelas, segera saja susu itu tumpah membasahi taplak.

Anak dan menantunya pun menjadi gusar. Mereka merasa direpotkan dengan semua ini. "Kita harus lakukan sesuatu," ujar sang suami. "Aku sudah bosan membereskan semuanya untuk pak tua ini." Lalu, kedua suami-istri ini pun membuatkan sebuah meja kecil di sudut ruangan.

Disana, sang kakek akan duduk untuk makan sendirian, saat semuanya menyantap makanan. Karena sering memecahkan piring, keduanya juga memberikan mangkuk kayu untuk si kakek. Sering, saat keluarga itu sibuk dengan makan malam mereka, terdengar isak sedih dari sudut ruangan. Ada airmata yang tampak mengalir dari gurat keriput si kakek. Namun, kata yang keluar dari suami-istri ini selalu omelan agar ia tak menjatuhkan makanan l
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15 September 2016

Sedang Merantau

Sedang Merantau Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Ada seorang pengembara tiba di sebuah negeri . Orang ini mendengar bahwa ada seorang bijaksana di negeri itu, dan dia ingin menemuinya. Pria bijaksana itu di kenal saleh, dan baik hati sehingga sangat dikasihi banyak orang karena dia seolah menjadi tempat bertanya bagi warga disekitar situ . Untuk itu tidak sulit menemukan pria bijaksana itu. Ketika pengembara itu bertanya dimana rumahnya, setiap orang yang di temuinya langsung menunjuk ke arah ujung perkampungan dimana berdiri sebuah gubuk reyot.

Ketika ia mengetuk pintu gubuk itu, muncul seorang pria tua yang mempersilahkan ia masuk. Pengembara itu sangat terkejut mendapati bahwa pria bijaksana itu tinggal di gubuk reyot yang isi rumahnya hanya sebuah meja, sebuah kursi, satu kompor dan alat memasak saja.

Karena merasa tidak nyaman, pengembara itu bertanya, ?Dimana perabot rumah Anda ? , katanya banyak orang2 terhormat dan orang2 kaya yg memohon petunjuk anda ?

Orangtua tadi balik bertanya
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10 September 2016

Space Time (Perjalanan Ruang dan Waktu)

Space Time (Perjalanan Ruang dan Waktu) Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Januari 2015, NASA bekerja sama dengan beberapa lembaga Antariksa Asia untuk misi penelitian ke planet Mars dengan mengirimkan tiga orang astronot. Aku mewakili LAPAN untuk bergabung bersama aliansi NASA. Aku adalah seorang ilmuwan LAPAN (lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional) di bidang astronautic engineering, Aku dan dua Astronot lain yakni James ahli Astrobiologi dari NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) dan Hiro ahli Geologi dari JAXA (Japan Aerospace Eksploration Agency) Ditugaskan untuk misi penelitian ke planet Mars, sebuah misi impian umat manusia.

Pagi itu Istriku membangunkanku untuk berangkat menuju markas pusat NASA.
“Ayah… sekarang kau harus berangkat ke markas, dua hari lagi keberangkatanmu, ayo bangun..!!”. kata Istriku membangunkanku yang tengah tergeletak di tempat tidurku, seolah Aku lupa kalau dua hari lagi Aku berangkat ke suatu tempat jauh, yang disebut Mars.
“Astaga.. Aku lupa. apa kau sudah bersiap ma?”
“sudah dari tadi, yang mau berangkat misi itu kamu, bukan Aku. tapi dilihat dirimu, ayolah”
“iya iya, tunggu sebentar.” Aku lekas menuju kamar mandi.

Kami pun berangkat ke markas, kami harus tinggal di markas dua hari sebelum keberangkatan, untuk persiapan dan pengecekan kesehatan astronot.
Disana sudah menanti dua orang temanku, James ast
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23 Februari 2009

Follow this step-by-step instructions to share printer in Windows XP.

1) Go to Start and click Control Panel. Control Panel Window will appear, then double click Printers and faxes.

2) Printers and Faxes window will appear. Right click the printer you want to share, then click Sharing…


Note: Make sure you've enabled File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks on network card's properties.


3) Select Sharing tab and tick Share this printer to share the printer. You can type in a new name in the Share name text box to change your printer name on the network, however this will not change the printer name on your computer. Click Apply.


Note: If the other users using different version of Windows to access your printer, they will need to install printer driver themselves. You can help by installing additional printer drivers on your Windows XP, so that the printer driver will be installed when other users access the shared printer with different version of Windows. Click Additional Drivers, tick additional driver you would like to install. You will be prompted to install those additional drivers after clicking OK.


4) Once you have shared the printer, you will see there is a hand supporting your printer.

You can share printer, and you can also share files. Check this out...

22 Februari 2009

How To Use Your Television as a Laptop Monitor

You may have once seen a seemingly tech-savvy friend hook a laptop up to their television in order to share digital pictures. Most likely, you were impressed and thought it would require a good deal of technology. Not so! Read on to learn how to quickly and easily link your laptop and television.

The benefits of connecting your laptop and television are immense. When company is over, you can share pictures of your latest vacation without making every hunch of your small laptop screen - just hook it up to the big screen, sit back, and enjoy! You can also use this setup to enjoy the flexibility of more screen space. Working on a document that requires a full screen but doesn't need your full attention? Play a DVD or YouTube video on the television, while remaining on your laptop to do your work. The possibilities are endless!

1. You'll need a few basic components in order to set up the connection. First, check your laptop for an S-video out jack. (The symbol next to this jack will be a rectangular box with an S and an arrow coming out of it). An S-video cord can be purchased for $20-$50 (depending on length and quality) online or at any big box electronics retailer (e.g. Best Buy or Circuit City). Be sure to purchase a long enough cord, as there's nothing worse than hooking up your laptop and realizing that you have to stay right next to the television with it!

2. Physically hooking this up is very easy - just plug one end of the S-video into your laptop, and the other into your television. However, the software setup can be a bit confusing. Once the cord is plugged in, turn on your television and switch the input to be from the S-video slot (normally accomplished by pressing either the "input" or "TV/Video" buttons on your remote). Your laptop may automatically detect the television and pop a screen to give you the choice begin broadcasting, but not always. If it doesn't identify the extra screen, open the Windows Mobility Center (found in the quick start menu on your Windows Vista taskbar) and select connect display.

3. Once your television is identified, you have the option to duplicate your laptop's monitor on both screens (useful for presentations with a wired mouse), extend your laptop's monitor onto the new screen so that you have double the screen space (useful when you want to watch a video while simultaneously working on your laptop), or view content only on the television screen (useful for presentations with a wireless mouse). Select the appropriate option, and select the resolution that matches your television.

4. If you want to connect the sound to your computer, all it takes is one additional component that only costs a few dollars ($5-$10). Called an RCA cable, one side will have just one plug that goes into your headphone jack, while the other side splits into two plugs that will go into the left and right audio jacks on your television. There is no setup needed for this connection - just plug in and enjoy!

How To Choose a Laptop

Buying and using a laptop

can be a liberating experience. You will have the ability to take your work wherever you go, take your computer

to class, a coffee shop, on a trip - anywhere. You may end up spending a bit more for a laptop than you would for a desktop - after all, the individual components need to be smaller to fit in a laptop chassis - but the convenience is worth the extra cost.

1. Decide what screen size you need. If you are used to a larger-sized desktop monitor, you'll want to choose a laptop that has a larger screen. A 15" screen is usually standard, but there are 17" screens available, which may be worth the extra investment. Dell even offers 19" and 20" screens on certain models. If you need or want a large screen, you may want to consider this, especially if you are choosing a laptop as a desktop replacement. Also, consider if you want a wide screen monitor or a standard monitor. A wide screen monitor is good if you would like to watch movies on your laptop, or if you frequently need to have two applications open side by side.

2. clip_image002Decide what kind of networking features you want. One of the most popular current features of laptops is wireless Internet access. With wireless access, you can get on the Internet wherever there is a "hotspot" - an area that the public is allowed to use an Internet signal, whether it's for a fee or free. You can also set up a home network and access the Internet anywhere in your house. Most laptops have slots for network cards, but if you want built-in network access, then make sure your laptop has a built-in network card. It's a nice feature if wireless Internet access appeals to you.

3. Determine your battery needs. You'll want to look for a laptop with a battery that lasts a long time if you will be taking your laptop on the road (or on the patio with no electrical outlet). Starting up your laptop is a big drain on a battery, and you may not get much time - perhaps only an hour or two - on a standard battery. So if you will be using your laptop away from a power source a lot, make sure that your laptop features a long battery life.

4. Look into the warranty and service plan. Computer companies and resellers have varying warranties and service plans for laptops. Some companies have you send your laptop back if anything goes wrong, some want you to take it to a service depot (which may be inconveniently located up to 50 miles away), and others will come to your home or business and repair it on the spot. Also, make sure that you can afford to wait the length of time promised for service; Dell has a great next business day plan, whereas some others take weeks to get issues resolved. If your business, school or other activities can't wait an indeterminate amount of time for resolution, make sure to get a next-day (or two day) service plan. Be sure to also check what both the warranty and the service plan cover; some cover very little, while others cover hardware and sometimes software as well. Certain warranties and service plans are voided if you spill on or drop your laptop (even accidentally), while others fully cover anything that could go wrong for any reason. Some companies offer secondary service plans if you have a drop or spill. Count on one of the two happening at some point, so consider this secondary policy if it is offered. Also check your homeowner's or renter's insurance; it may cover accidental spills and drops, so you may not need to purchase an extra service plan for that.

You may already have a favorite brand of desktop computer - it's likely that if you like a particular desktop, the same brand will produce a laptop you like. Just like a desktop, those little upgrades that seem expensive when you are buying a laptop

are worth it. Whether you are looking for a laptop as your main computer or as a secondary computer for work or school, you'll love the ease and portability of a laptop. Have fun with your new computer! 

How To Block Your Cell Phone Number

There might be many reasons why you want to block your cell phone number from showing up on other people's caller IDs. Whatever the reason is, it's very simple to block your cell phone number. You have two options: you can permanently block your phone number or you can block your number on a call by call basis.

If you're trying to figure out who's calling you from an unlisted cell phone, check out Reverse Phone Detective

Blocking Your Cell Phone Number Permanently:

The most permanent solution is to request a "line block" from your cell phone carrier.

1. To do this you simply need to call the customer service for your specific provider and they can block your number. When you do this your number will never show up to anyone.

2. To call your customer service to block your cell phone number, just dial 611 from your cell phone and you will reach them.

3. If there is a situation where you want your number to show up, you will still have an option. When you have a permanent block on your cell phone number you will need to dial *82 before dialing the number you are calling. When you do this your phone number will show up just once for that specific call. Ex: *82 (555) 555-5555.

Did you know that you or anybody else can look up unknown cell phone numbers online? Here are two top sites for looking up cell phone numbers:

· PhoneNumberScan.com

· National Registry of Cellular Numbers (NRCN)

clip_image001Blocking Your Cell Phone Number Temporarily:

Sometimes you may want to block you number for a specific call. You might not want someone to know that you are trying to reach them for the 15th time in a row, or you might be calling a business and might not want them to know your number.

1. If you want to block your cell phone number on a call by call basis you need to dial *67 before dialing the number. Ex *67 (555) 555-5555.

2. When you do this you will not have any feedback that it worked. If you want to test this, just call your home phone, or anther phone that has a caller ID from your cell to confirm that your phone number is blocked.

One important thing to remember is that your number will not be blocked from emergency services or any toll free numbers.

Don't forget to check out this quality dating blog.

How To Buy Digital Cameras


It seems that just about everybody has a digital camera these days. They can be found on computers, in cell phones, and even on keychains (not to mention the cameras that actually look like real cameras). With all of the advances that have been made in digital camera technology in recent years, it'clip_image001s no surprise that there are a number of different options facing the consumer.
The problem with having so many digital camera options is that unless you know what you're seeking, you might not be able to get the best camera for your money. In order to find the camera that's right for both you and your wallet, it's important to keep a few things in mind when you go shopping.

1. Know how much you're willing to spend on a camera before you go shopping. Some digital cameras can cost over $500 or $600, while others may top $1,000. Cameras with fewer features and a lower resolution can also be found for under $20 or $30. Stay within your budget.

2. See what sort of camera memory access your computer has. Digital cameras use a variety of different types of media for storage, ranging from USB-accessible onboard memory to miniature CD-R or 3.5" floppy disks. Specialized flash memory cards are also commonly used, but may require an adapter or card reader if your computer isn't set up to use them.

3. Look for the megapixel rating for any camera that you're considering buying. This refers to the fineness of individual pixels that make up the image, and to the number of pixels contained within the image. The higher the megapixel rating, the better the quality of the photograph will be. Lower-megapixel cameras tend to produce pictures that are much more grainy and have lower resolutions.

4. Consider the size and shape of the camera as well as how you're going to be using it. If you simply want something to take with you when you go on trips, you'll want a camera that can be easily packed and transported. If you're looking for a more professional camera, then you're going to want something that can be held steady and has attachments and other options available for it. Let form follow function.

5. Keep in mind anything else that you want to be able to do with your camera. Cell phones with digital cameras built in can serve as a portable camera in addition to their normal functions, and certain other cameras can be used to create full-motion video, often with sound! Make sure that the camera you buy meets as many of your needs as possible.

How to install your Blogger template


These all are free to download XML templates which will work with the new blogger {blogger beta}.Most of them are 3 columned ones.They have a back link back to this page.You can remove it if your want.If you want to motivate me, the donation option below is all yours.

Top of Form


Bottom of Form

How to install your template
Step 1.Click on Template title (For eg. "Minima White")
Step 2.Goto Edit template section of your layout tab
Step 3. Upload it from the place where you saved it.
Important: Widgets
By installing any one of these templates, there are chances that all your widgets are lost(means all your customization is lost and only default template would be their).
It is recommended to backup your widgets. [Guide to backup widgets ]
A warning similar to the one given below will be displayed while installing them, Click Yes.
Update(s) 1/11/2008
Known issues :-

After going through your comments,I'm posting about issues which are common

Son Of Moto Template
The bug's fixed and template updated, it should be green now.
Rounder's Template
The template experiences a sidebar drop in IE.Under Scanner
Header Image
It's been observed that the template isn't permitting images.the temporary solution is that you delete the 'Header' page element.Then re-add it using 'Add a Gadget' link in the layout section.
XML Errors
Instead of copy-pasting the code,try downloading it and then uploading.For downloading Right click on the template link you wish to download and select "Save Target As" in IE or "Save Link As" in Firefox.Then upload it from Edit HTML section of the Layout Tab.

for example:

minima White
Minima Black

Minima Blue

Minima Ochre

Son of Moto



Dots Dark


Tic Tac Blue


Denim Washed